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Comparison of a radially resolved dynamic inflow pitch step experiment to mid-fidelity simulations and BEM

  • In this paper a detailed comparison of the experimental and numerical results of a scaled wind turbine model in a wind tunnel subjected to fast pitching steps leading to the so-called dynamic inflow effect is presented. We compare results of an Actuator Line LES tool, a vortex code and four engineering models, to the experiment. We perform one and two time constant model analysis of axial wake induction and investigate the overshooting of integral loads. Our results show, that the effect is captured better by the two time constant models than by the one time constant models. Also the experiment and mid-fidelity simulations are best described by a two time constant fit. We identify the best dynamic inflow model to be the 0ye model. Different possibilities for the improvement of dynamic inflow models are discussed.

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Author:Iván Herráez, Frederik Berger, Leo Höning, Martin Kühn
Parent Title (English):Journal of Physics: Conference Series; The Science of making Torque from Wind (TORQUE 2020), (virtual)
Document Type:Conference Proceeding
Year of first Publication:2020
Release Date:2025/01/23
Tag:BEM; mid-fidelity simulations; radially resolved dynamic
Institutes:Fachbereich Technik
Research Focus Areas:nachhaltige Technologien und Prozesse