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Status of Demand-Driven Biogas Concepts to Cover Residual Load Rises

  • Fluctuations in wind and solar energy due to climatic conditions as well as the rising demand of renewable energy puts an increasingly stronger focus on alternative systems like the demand-driven biogas production. Hence, currently examined concepts for flexibilization of biogas plants are described. The biogas storage as well as the demand-driven biogas production by feeding management, variable conversion in electricity, disintegration processes, or packed-bed fermentation belong to these concepts. Also, the combination with power-to-gas or power-to-heat systems seems promising and is discussed.

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Author:Sven Steinigeweg, Lena Peters, Frank Uhlenhut, Piotr Biernacki
Parent Title (English):ChemBioEng Reviews
Document Type:Article
Year of first Publication:2018
Release Date:2025/01/20
Tag:Biogas; Cover Residual Load Rises
Volume:Vol. 5
First Page:163
Last Page:172
Institutes:Fachbereich Technik
Research Focus Areas:nachhaltige Technologien und Prozesse