@inproceedings{KietzmannKutscherSchmidtetal.2020, author = {Kietzmann, Peter and Kutscher, Dirk and Schmidt, Thomas C. and W{\"a}hlisch, Matthias}, title = {Long-Range IoT: Is LoRaWAN an option for ICN?}, booktitle = {ICN '20: Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking, 29.09.-01.10.2020, Online}, organization = {Association for Computing Machinery}, isbn = {978-1-4503-8040-9}, doi = {10.1145/3405656.3420228}, institution = {Fachbereich Technik}, pages = {152 -- 154}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In this poster, we discuss design options for a LoRaWAN and LoRa transmission system to employing Information-Centric Networking (ICN). ICN has been successfully applied to LoWPAN scenarios and can provide many benefits with respect to object-based security, performance, disruption tolerance and usability. Our findings indicate that the current LoRaWAN MAC layer is impractical for an ICN request-response with caching. We present ideas for a new MAC layer that harmonizes the long-range LoRa radios with ICN.}, language = {en} }